The Perdix AI. Offering all of the same great features of the Perdix, the Perdix AI uses its large, easy-to-read screen to clearly display the tank pressure as well as your gas time remaining (GTR). The Perdix AI is capable of connecting to either one or two transmitters giving the diver the option to monitor both tanks or dive sidemount.
1 reviews for Shearwater Perdix AI with Swift Transmitter
Apr 15, 2022This Shearwater rocks! Migrated to SW from Suunto. Got this and a Teric. Traded out my Teric for a second Perdix AI. Better (simpler, easier to use menu tree) and no mo battery issues to deal with. Battery dies? Just throw a new one in. Keep a couple in my SAD kit, and can always find AA cells anywhere you find yourself, but with the SAFT 14500 have done two weeks of all-day diving and never a stutter from the first battery in there. Would be afraid to put a Dudocell Crappertop Aleakline in there though...
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